Welcome to the September 2023 edition of The Institutional Researcher.
Dear newsletter readers
Thank you for your patience while I have been enjoying my holiday in the United Kingdom. Although the major component of the trip was to watch the Men’s Ashes test cricket tournament, I managed to spend some quality time in and around London, Leeds, Manchester, Ireland, and Scotland. I’ve included some photos from my holiday in Scotland in this edition of the newsletter, but I hope to share further photos in future editions.
My most memorable experience from the holiday was the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh. Although many of us may remember this from the movie, The Da Vinci Code, what struck me the most from my visit here was the contents contained within the chapel. It was like a treasure hunt looking for the many carvings and the stories behind them.
As you will know, the Campus Morning Mail ceased publication on 16 June 2023, and Future Campus has stepped into the ring. I will attempt to bring you interesting articles from this new publication and other resources available to the editor. Hopefully, this will be useful to our readers.
Do you have something you would like to share with your IR colleagues? Please send your contributions to editor@aair.org.au.
Andrew Bradshaw
Editor, The Institutional Researcher
Photo of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, by Andrew Bradshaw
Got something interesting to share?
Tell us about an event you’re hosting! Written something of interest to our readers? Want to be profiled in our Institutional Researcher’s Corner? We’ll accept all the love you pass our way … within reason of course. Our illustrious Newsletter Editor, Andrew, invites you to submit content to The Institutional Researcher, AAIR’s monthly Newsletter.
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