Over the past year, the AAIR Executive Committee has been further developing the work we did during our strategic planning sessions in 2014 (Melbourne) and 2015 (Sydney).
As a committee, we started off gathering at an airport hotel in Melbourne and came up with a basis for moving forward, both as an organisation and as a committee. As a voluntary organisation, it is always very difficult to find the time to develop these things, so although we have been moving things on, the pace of the developments has not been as fast as we would have hoped. We complete actions when we are able, rather than as quickly as we would like.
Thanks to a great deal of hard work by Louise Hargreaves, from Bond University (along with assistance from Dave Marr), we have now adopted a strategy map for AAIR. The map pictured here shows our vision, mission, perspectives and objectives, which are further being developed with actions, targets, KPIs, budgets, responsibilities and timelines.
Why a strategy map you might ask? Strategy maps, pioneered by Balanced Scorecard founders Robert Kaplan and David Norton, allow organisations to describe and communicate their strategies concisely and succinctly, and close the gap between the formulation and successful implementation of strategies.
Strategy maps describe how organisations create value by building on strategic themes, such as ‘growth’ or ‘productivity’. These themes determine what specific strategies organisations will adopt at their customer, process, and learning and growth levels. Well-constructed maps describe how the organisation plans to meet its specific customer promises through a combination of employee, technology and business processes that satisfy customer expectations and meet shareholder demands1.
So, do have a look and see what you think. Any feedback will be gratefully received, and can be sent to either me (president@aair.org.au) or directly to Louise at lhargrea@bond.edu.au. We would be happy to have your ideas and thoughts as we move on to the next phases of development. Otherwise, come and see me at the AAIR Forum in Alice Springs and we can chat about it there.
I hope to see you then!
1 Chartered Global Management Accountant: CGMA Tool – How to Develop a Strategy Map
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