Both New Zealand and the Australian Capital Territory have recently had parliamentary elections that saw a wide diversity of people elected. On this side of the Tasman, New Zealand has just elected its most diverse Parliament ever — almost half the MPs will be women, and around 10 per cent are from the LGBTQ+ community. As one of our MPs said in a recent news item on the ABC, ‘it was vital that “people have the opportunity to take part in the decisions that affect their lives”.’
The AAIR executive committee represents all members of our association. We come from diverse institutions and have a wide diversity of experience and experiences. Similarly, our members also undertake diverse roles in many different places and situations. The fact that we are similar but so diverse is one of our strengths. As a committee, we are always thinking about how we can best meet the professional practice needs of all our members. The pandemic has created many challenges for our members, both personally and professionally, and we are acutely aware of how these challenges might impact people differently.
Usually at this time of the year a forum organising committee, along with the AAIR executive committee, we would be in the final stages of planning the annual forum. The AAIR Annual Forum is to many members a highlight of the year, an opportunity to network, catch up with colleagues across the region, and meet many new people. However, this year we know that a face-to-face forum is sadly not possible. Having said that, we still want to be able to create opportunities for members to network and learn, and we will be doing that this year through a virtual forum. I hope members do take up the opportunity to participate in this event that continues our fine tradition of networking and learning in a convivial space. We will be in touch soon to let you know all the details.
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