- Driving in the digital age (Keynote)
Monica Ikladios, Toyota Australia
- Telling stories with your data
Chris Kearns, Higher Education Practice Lead, Altis Consulting (Platinum Sponsor)
- Agile management for business intelligence projects
Alex Crossley, The University of Sydney
- QILT: past and future
Phil Aungles, Department of Education and Training
- A practical approach to business intelligence strategies – Creating connections and exploring possibilities
Zanné Van Wyk, University of Newcastle
- QILT workshop – Part 1
Graham Challice, Lisa Bolton, Daniela Iarossi, Social Research Centre (Bronze Sponsor)
- Trends in learning analytics research: A report on the major themes from Lak16 and Lak17
Dr Richard Price, Flinders University (Best presenter)
- QILT workshop – Part 2
Graham Challice, Lisa Bolton, Daniela Iarossi, Social Research Centre (Bronze Sponsor)
- Load management
Andrew Bradshaw, Macquarie University
- QILT workshop – Part 3
Graham Challice, Lisa Bolton, Daniela Iarossi, Social Research Centre (Bronze Sponsor)
- Riding on the sheep’s back (at least trying to)
Milly Taylor, University of New England
- Measuring students’ perceived learning gains: A longitudinal study using Rasch modelling
Christine Armatas, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Victoria University: Pathway to cloud reporting
Sailen Kotecha, NeoData and Dominador Pantig, Victoria University (Gold Sponsor)
- The nexus of quantitative and qualitative data for improved insights
Panel session
- Big data analytics and its transforming university business (Keynote)
Peter O’Donnell, Monash University
- Higher education reforms
Maureen Wood and Andrew Herd, Department of Education and Training
- Exploring new angles to analyse student load data
Amir Hossein Rouhi, RMIT University
- Use of small screen devices to complete online surveys: a view of students and graduates
Daniela Iarossi, Social Research Centre (Bronze Sponsor)
- Successful analytics implementation in a K-12 school system
Raju Varanasi, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta and Peter Kokinakos, MIP (Gold Sponsor)
- Playing with the SEQuery – more miles to walk
Chandrama Acharya, Macquarie University
- Square, arch or circle? Insights gained by taking a different view of international admissions data
Mark Lang, University of Newcastle (Best New Presenter)
- The efficacy and dilemmas of multiple email reminders
Daniela Iarossi, Social Research Centre (Bronze Sponsor)
- Putting AI in BI
Susan Gibson, UTS and Matt Hill, Cortell (Dinner Sponsor)
- What’s the future of the AAIR SIGs? You tell me…
Dave Marr, AAIR Immediate Past President