- The secret to a successful BI program: Lessons learnt and opening doors
Lester D’Souza, Australian Catholic University & Anup Ramadas, Altis Consulting (Platinum Sponsor) - The next data warehouse – Creating business knowledge through dynamic modelling
Robbie McGregor, University of Waikato - Case study – UOM’s undergraduate offer model: Modelling of commencing UG admissions and load management in a capped environment
Gabrielle Harrison, University of Melbourne - Calling all storm chasers
Michelle Devitt, QTAC - One cadetship delivering many careers: Using depth to deliver breadth of options
Paul Oakes & Tatsu Yamaguchi, Australian National University - TCSI update
Maureen Wood, Department of Education and Training - Analytics and AI for higher education (Gold Sponsor)
Brenden Russell FCPA, Cortell Australia - Load Management – Q&A Session
Chair: Andrew Bradshaw Macquarie University - University of New South Wales (UNSW) AWS data lake proof of concept
Linda Liu & Amanda Tjie, The University of New South Wales - Riding the storm in institutional feedback surveys: A structured approach to evaluating reliability
Grace Corpuz & Erin Greenaway, Western Sydney University - Why truth unexists and data scientists are actually time lords
Joshua Lee, University of Sydney - Forecasting student numbers by teaching period – how hard can it be?
Peter May, University of New England - Navigating the storm: Victoria University’s predictive analytics journey
Cameron Stein & Ann Hogan, Victoria University